A big vision of our research is to bring design and rheology together.
We’ve just published a collaborative review of this for yield-stress fluids.
- Nelson, A. Z., K. S. Schweizer, B. M. Rauzan, R. G. Nuzzo, J. Vermant, and R. H. Ewoldt, “Designing and transforming yield-stress fluids,” Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 23 (5), 100758 (2019). DOI link Accepted PDF
Yield-stress fluids are perhaps the most utilized rheologically-complex soft materials in our world today. Designing with this behavior enables applications ranging from the everyday to the extraordinary including drug delivery, food products, batteries, painting, surface coatings, biomaterials, concrete, and other scenarios.
The lead author is lab alum Dr. Arif Nelson, written in collaboration with Ken Schweizer (MatSE, UIUC), Brittany Rauzan (Chemistry, UIUC), Ralph Nuzzo (Chemistry, UIUC), and Jan Vermant (Materials, ETH-Zürich).

From Fig. 3: Materials design encompasses design with a material (performance-to-properties), and design of a material (properties-to-structure).

From Fig. 4: Materials design process illustrated using some of our work in direct-write 3D printing.