Chai Saengow

Chai completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok in 2011. Following that, he completed his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University in 2016, co-supervised by Prof. Alan Jeffrey Giacomin and Prof. Chanyut Kolitawong. Chai’s doctoral research on fluid viscoelasticity led him to contemplate many other flow problems, including those used in the laboratory for measuring the properties of complex fluids, e.g., polymer melts, polymer solutions, and wormlike micellar solutions.
Chai enjoys running, reading and cooking. He is co-supervised by Prof. Randy Ewoldt and Prof. Amy Wagoner Johnson.
CV; ORCID; Google Scholar; SCOPUS; Researcher ID: T-8824-2018
Research Interests
Designing highly printable hydrogels; 3D printing; hydroxyapatite-based inks; fibrin-based inks