Jaekwang Kim

Title M.S. 2018
Department Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM)
Email jk12@nospam67848e70bd102.illinois.edu

B.S. Seoul National University (2016)           
M.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2018)


Jaekwang Kim completed his Bachelors from Seoul National University in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. He joined the Ewoldt Research Group in 2016 and is co-advised by  Prof. Freund as well.

Research Interest

Jaekwang has a broad interest in complex fluid simulation, particularly in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics and its engineering application. He is currently working on two areas; development of discontinuous Galerkin formulation for tensorial transport equations arising in rheological models of complex fluids; adjoint-based field sensitivity analysis to advance engineering design of complex fluid system.