Randy H. Ewoldt

Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) (2-page)
Ph.D. MIT (2009)
M.S. MIT (2006)
B.S. Iowa State (2004)
Recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering (PECASE) from President Barack Obama, and young investigator awards from the NSF (CAREER), ASME (Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal), 3M, DuPont, and The Society of Rheology (Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award). Distinguished Promotion Award 2017 to rank of Associate Professor, Distinguished Promotion Award 2021 to rank of full Professor, and endowed Alexander Rankin Professorship 2023.
Randy H. Ewoldt is the Alexander Rankin Professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He has Ph.D. and S.M. degrees from MIT, and a B.S. degree from Iowa State, all in Mechanical Engineering. Before joining Illinois, he held a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota. At Illinois, his research group studies rheology, fluid mechanics, and design of complex fluids; in particular, this includes yield stress fluids, polymer gels, biological materials, and large- and medium-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS/MAOS). He serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Physics of Fluids, and regularly lectures at rheology short courses in the USA and Europe.
January – June 2018: ETH-Zürich (Switzerland) as a Guest Professor in the Department of Materials.
July 2018: KU Leuven (Belgium) as Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Full profile @ MechSE department webpage
Courses taught @ University of Illinois
TAM 251 Introductory Solid Mechanics
TAM 335 Introductory Fluid Mechanics
ME 310 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics (Fall 2023)
ME 470 Senior Design Project (project team advisor) (Spring 2023)
ME 498 Rheology: fluids, solid, and things-in-between
TAM 435 Intermediate Fluid Dynamics
TAM 498 Rheology: fluids, solids, and things-in-between (Spring 2025) – undergraduate elective, meets with TAM 534
TAM 532 Viscous Flow
TAM 534 Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Rheology (Spring 2025) Flyer and Syllabus
Art+Design 301 Industrial Design III (collaborative/guest instructor)
Other instruction
Webinar: How to avoid bad data in rheology (recorded) (2016)
Rheology Short Courses, hosted @ University of Minnesota (2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024)
Rheology Short Courses, various locations, USA (2011 CA, 2013 MA, 2015 TX, 2017 CA, 2019 CA, 2021 DE)
European School on Rheology (short course), hosted @ KU Leuven in Belgium (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2025)
Using Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS), short course in Montreal, Canada, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology (2013)